Healing Winter Spring and Sauna
Healing Winter Spring and Sauna
The winters and holiday season sure can make some people cold, and good lord has the last few years been hard on everyone. Especially on the mind and body, let alone the spirit.
This listing is for a small little pocket realm, a place of healing and relaxation for you and your companions to enjoy. Styled like the Spirited Away Bath House on the Outside, with bonus natural healing springs that sit along the sides of the mountain it resides on. This realm is perfect for a quick getaway or to be a small base for retreat and pleasure for those in your inner circle.
It doesn’t matter what you originally come here for, healing, massages, or just to get away from it all: the staff of 50 servitors that man the spring and bathhouse are attentive and intuitive. Meaning they not only can help you feel better but will also suggest and perform small spells and rituals on you while you are there to help you heal and relax as you need it.
If you need a spot to be pampered and princed/princessed, loved and cared on, or want a space for your companions to feel the same look no further!
The servitors here are not programmed to be NSFW but if you email us and explain your wishes this may customized.